The Game Plan

At Register Now we are about consistently delivering on our promise. With no hidden costs, what you see is what you get.

Everyday we aim to learn something new and do what we did yesterday more effectively.

Rather than always doing it the same, we ask why and whether there is a better way.

We believe there is no such thing as ‘that’s not my job’ we all help and collaborate our diverse knowledge.

One of our biggest advantages is our team, internally, our expertise in the event management field has given us a dynamic and unique edge on other software solutions in the market. The team have been event managers and staffing coordinators and completely understand the arduous administration involved in this process. 

Register Now was built specifically based on industry needs and there has been continual development and evolution of the platform to better service the needs of our clients and their customers.

Alongside consistently developing the product to make it further enhanced and usable for our clients a large focus of our innovation planning is going towards better understanding the behaviours of event participants and their event journey over time.  

We have undergone dramatic change in the past 24 months with heavy investment in the relaunching of the brand, new website, new client portal and fortnightly product developments. Amidst this change we are committed to continual improvement of the platform and will continue to reinvest into this part of the business.

And what about events? 

Being in the sportstech space, we live and breathe events and activities.  And while we might not quite miss the 3am wake-ups, we still love the buzz and adrenaline rush of the day!   A major part of our internal team handshake is that we get around to as many of our client’s events as possible.   This also means a lot of training for weird and wonderful pursuits!   

Got a great challenge or interesting event for our team to participate in and review?  
Please get in touch!

Getting Social

Recently, we have launched a new services arm of Register Now where we manage social and email marketing on behalf of our clients, there have been many learnings that have come from this and we believe a whole new frontier of public engangement and relations for the industry awaits! Watch this space as we uncover this area of growth and opportunity.